A clear understanding of what looms on the horizon is critical for today’s businesses, allowing them to make the strategic and tactical decisions necessary to:
- Identify the competitive advantage or niche.
- Defend against competitor attacks.
- Understand and fulfill unmet customer needs.
- Learn about alternative products or improvements to existing products in development.
Relying on his years of instructional experience, Michael F. Stara presents outstanding workshops on improving or developing a competitive function within organizations. Included are such useful topics as:
- Secondary research techniques.
- What information is legally available.
- Ethical issues in CI.
- When interviewing is appropriate.
- How to interview effectively.
- Getting top management “buy-in.”
- Making a CI function a critical part of the organization’s success.
- Analyzing and presenting useful information.
Workshops are variable in length, and are tailored to the specific audience in terms of both scope and cost-effectiveness.